lördag 17 mars 2012

back. :)

Now it was a while since I wrote anything. I've had a cold and has not been strong enough done so much. Two weeks ago I started bartending course in Malmö I was there the first week since I've been really sick. I've been down and done the tests and been tried by almost have passed even though it has been ill, but this week has been extra hard so I've been home and taken care of myself.
I've sat on the couch and playing the sims, bought almost all the buildings in the game and earn the amount of money hellst move my family all the time and build new houses, love was sick of me so when we each would get a package to him at the post office so he bought a book for me, vampire academy - thirst. (he's so damn wonderful this boy.) Damn good book, however, read it out in a day, so now I submit to read again and now it gets more play sims and move my family again and build a new house. : P
I have also built on my castel wanted to facbook too .. What do you do to pass the time when I'm sick and can not sleep thanks to coughing. :)
Yesterday I was in pain just above the eye with ögonbryet, it hurt when I coughed and it pulsated all the time.

Do not complain about the grammar, has used me out google translation of some sections. : P This is what happens when you are not English genius. : P Hehe,

Time to play the sims and lodge and get some new houses. :)

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