söndag 5 juli 2015

All about work

im not looking forward to next week. :P Im working 5 out of 7 days. mostly mornings. i'm not a morning person. but what don't you do for work. :P Tomorrow do i have evening so my week starting off pretty good anyhow. :P But the rest of the week only mornings. well well that will work anyway. I love my new work, working on the hospital i was laying on a week ago. :P Pretty fun to be honest.

So today is all about my dog and just taking it easy so im not to tired tomorrow. =)
Havent been talking with my Friend Chili in awhile so i don't know anything new about the flirting study we where about to do. Well its summer and a lot of work for us summer worker/time worker when the others have vacation. I want to have 4 weeks of vacation as well and getting payed for it. :P That had been nice hadn't it? :P

well gonna be with my dog now and just chillaxe abit. :)

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